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Water Heaters Price List In India

View latest and updated Price List of Heaters Water in India as on 26 Mar 2025 at 6:41am. There are total of 9276 Heaters Water in the price list. Besides providing the lowest prices in India, PriceHunt also features product specifications, reviews, ratings, images, price chart and more to assist the user in taking hassle-free informed decision while online shopping. The prices are fetched from various online retailers like Ajio, Amazon, Croma, Firstcry, Flipkart, Healthkart, Hometown, Industrybuying, Koovs, Lifestyle, Moglix, Myntra, Naaptol, Nnnow, Paytmmall, Pepperfry, Rediff, Reliancedigital, Reliancetrends, Shopclues, Snapdeal, Tatacliq, Vijaysales and more for an easy price comparison. You can compare the prices offered by different online sites and get the best deal.

The best selling and most popular product in this category is Blue Mark 1 Litres 1 L Instant Water Heater (Blue). The most expensive product is Rock 500 Litres ETC_ _2PC PD*2 Storage Water Heater (Multicolor) which is priced at ₹56,000. Contrary to this, the cheapest product in the Heaters Water segment is Skenterprises 10 Litres Hot & Cool Water Connection Pipe Stainless Steel 24 Inch Instant Water Heater (silver & Black) which is available at lowest price of ₹225. The price shown here is the best price found for each item and will help you select the Heaters Water available in India that fit your budget. All the Heaters Water prices are in Indian Rupees, they have been collected from various online stores and are valid across Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Surat and other cities for online purchases.

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A water heater is an important device in every household as India has exterme weather conditions and it is always wise to be fully equipped to sustain these climate changes. In the cold and chilly winter season, it becomes very difficult to take bath with the cold water. However, a water heater or a geyser is a must-have during the cool weather and is an efficient heating solution for both drinking and domestic usage for everyone. Hot water showers and baths helps in relaxing muscles and relieving stress after a busy day at work. All the water heaters have a heating coil inside their body which enables the water to heat up in minimal time. In last couple of years, the heating technology has quite improved and is equipped with advanced features like self-timer, thermostat to make it more robust and durable. They are available in varied capacities ranging from small 1-litre models to huge 50-litre models helping you to choose the perfect water geyser for your needs. The user can select from reputed water heater brands in India such as Kenstar, Havells, Bajaj, Racold, Venus, V-Guard, AO Smith, Krissol, Crompton Greaves and Kelvinator and make a right buying decision based on their preference according to price, capacity, brand, colour and more.

For bachelors or small families, immersion rods are best if you require the hot water instantly. They are highly portable and do not require any sort of installation. The bigger families can opt for instant water heater or Geyser which is comparatively more safer than immersion rods from reputed brands like V-Guard, Crompton, Singer etc. Nowadays, we can also find many water heater models which serve the dual purpose of water heating as well as water purifying or filtering. They have become very popular in homes as the user do not have to buy two different units, hence saving money and space. They are usually fitted in a corner of the room or wall-mounted in the kitchen. For frequent travellers who drink lot of hot water, you can also check out portable water heaters available in the market. These portable heaters are small in size which can easily fit in your pocket and sufficient for heating small quantity of water. Most of the models are electrically operated but you will still find few of them operating on battery.

Types of Water heater :

An ideal geyser or water heater will provide us hot water within a few minutes. Depending on your hot water usage and the source of heating the water (i.e, gas, oil, electricity), there are numerous choices available in the market. Before buying it, we should make sure that it is safe and power efficient.

  1. Instant Water heaters : They heat the small quantity of water instantly in few minutes and are available in low storage capacity- 1 litre or 3 litres. They are also referred to as tankless water storage unit which do not store heated water but rather heat it only as and when required. They also work with gas and electric fuel sources. Their power rating ranges between 3000 Watt and 4500 Watt and best suited for smaller or nuclear families who use limited amount of water for bathing or other purposes. They are very compact and hence appropriate for smaller bathrooms or kitchens where space is a major issue of concern. Their only drawback is that they are not suitable for areas where there is hard water as that will spoil the heater, hence water softener needs to installed beforehand in this case.
  2. Storage water heater : They are the most commonly used water heater and have storage tank installed inside the appliance. That is why, they are referred to as tank-type water heaters. The hot water gets stored in its storage tank and can be used for significant period of time by the whole family even without electricity, thus allowing the usage as and when required. Hence, it is perfect for medium sized or bigger families.
  3. Solar water heater : Solar water heating system is the most significant innovation in the water heating technology. Apart from India, it is also attaining great popularity globally also. They comprise of inbuilt solar panels which absorb the sunlight and convert the solar energy into electrical energy which is then used to heat the water. This alternative energy source is environment friendly as well as will add to your monthly savings as the power consumption is reduced significantly. Once they are installed, they will work efficiently for longer period of time. Their only drawback is that they will not be able to work on cold and cloudy days due to lack of sunlight.
  4. Gas water heater : They run on LPG gas and get their supply through gas pipelines/cylinders. If you want to do substantial savings on your electricity bills, then Gas water heaters are well suited cost-effective option. They are also equipped with certain safety features like Double solenoid valve for extra protection, Flame-out protection etc. They are highly energy efficient and lighter in weight as well.
  5. Hybrid water heater :They are the latest type of heaters which capture the heat from the air and use it for heating the water. They consume about 60 percent less power than the standard electric water heaters. They are expensive but it is compensated with low running cost and easy installation. They are not suitable for extremely cold areas.

Instant Geyser Vs Storage Geyser :Instant geyser will give you the hot water instantly as soon as you switch on the appliance whereas in a storage geyser, you have to wait for upto few minutes to get the hot water. In comparison to storage water heater, Instant geyser are smaller in size and capacity, occupy lesser wall-mounting space and are significantly more energy efficient as they heat the water instantly. Their maintenance cost and cost of repair is also quite less as they do not have tank and comprise of only low cost easily replacable parts.

Tips for buying the right Water heater/Geyser :

Deciding on the right water heater is quite a difficult task as the market is flooded with plenty of options to choose from. There are certain things that need to be considered before buying a water heater/geyser such as size of the family, storage capacity, less power consumption, water dispenser and fuel.

  1. Storage Capacity : The capacity of water heater is determined by your daily water requirement. More the number of people, larger will be the size of water heater. On an average, a 6-litre capacity geyser is sufficient for normal usage.
  2. Storage Capacity (in Litre) Number of persons
    6-10L 1-2 persons
    15L 1-2 persons in cold climate location
    15-20L 3-4 persons
    25L 3-4 person in cold climate location
    35L More than 4 persons
    Instant water heater Used in kitchen
  3. Energy Efficiency :This is one of the most important criteria while selecting a water heater as it involves huge electricity consumption. The energy efficiency of the water heater is indicated by its energy star rating which measures how efficiently a unit converts energy into heat as well as how much heat is lost during storage. Higher the energy rating, more energy efficient the product is.
  4. Warranty :Water heaters must be maintained regularly and all the safety measures must be taken while using it. It is very important to have a good after sales service support to repair the geysers in case of damage. Their life span ranges from 3 to 12 years, hence choose the model which offers maximum warranty.
  5. Geyser wattage : Another important factor contributing to the selection process of right geyser is geyser wattage. The speed of a geyser is indicated by its wattage. The water will heat faster if you opt for high wattage geyser, say 4.5 kW instantaneous geyser unlike geyser of 2 kW. This will also save electricity as it will consume less electricity and heat large amount of water in less time.

How does Electric Geyser water heater work?

The geyser consists of mainly three components- heating element, water tank and thermostat. The heating element is the most important component of the geyser hence it should be of good quality so as to prolongate the life of geysers. Exceptionally hard and very soft water affect heating elements, just like the inner tank. The heating elements in geysers are coated with glass lining that is very efficient for preventing scaling. Secondly, the water tank should be corrosion resistant and highly durable. A good thermostat makes sure to protect from the over heating of the water and also helps in saving power consumption up to large extent, if not completely.

Geyser For Hard Water : The Hard water contains high quantities of mineral salts like calcium and magnesium which can lead to scaling. Hence, if your water source contains more salts i.e, it is hard water, then it is better to to buy a Geyser that comes with a corrosion resistant tank. You can also install a water softener that converts the hard water into the soft water, so that the heating element does not get damaged.

A good geyser makes life simpler and comfortable in winters. Moreover when you buy it, make sure that it comes with ISI mark that certifies that the product is of high quality and safe to use. Hence, always go for a reputed and trusted brand. The branded geysers will offer you safety, guarantee and good customer service or support. Also, opt for a geyser or water heater which is equipped with an Auto Off feature so as to save electricity. It will be automatically turned off in case you forget to switch off the geyser after using it hence protecting it from burning out.

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