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Single Beds Beds And Bedrooms Furniture Price List In India

View latest and updated Price List of Beds And Bedrooms Single Beds in India as on 26 Mar 2025 at 4:26am. There are total of 846 Beds And Bedrooms Single Beds in the price list. Besides providing the lowest prices in India, PriceHunt also features product specifications, reviews, ratings, images, price chart and more to assist the user in taking hassle-free informed decision while online shopping. The prices are fetched from various online retailers like Ajio, Amazon, Croma, Firstcry, Flipkart, Healthkart, Hometown, Industrybuying, Koovs, Lifestyle, Moglix, Myntra, Naaptol, Nnnow, Paytmmall, Pepperfry, Rediff, Reliancedigital, Reliancetrends, Shopclues, Snapdeal, Tatacliq, Vijaysales and more for an easy price comparison. You can compare the prices offered by different online sites and get the best deal.

The best selling and most popular product in this category is Gudsmith BSC1 Engineered Wood Single Bed. The most expensive product is The Sleep Company Elev8 Smart Adjustable Bed Base Without Mattress| Massage & Zero Gravity Mode Metal Single Bed which is priced at ₹53,999. Contrary to this, the cheapest product in the Beds And Bedrooms Single Beds segment is Palangwala Metal Single Bed which is available at lowest price of ₹1,500. The price shown here is the best price found for each item and will help you select the Beds And Bedrooms Single Beds available in India that fit your budget. All the Beds And Bedrooms Single Beds prices are in Indian Rupees, they have been collected from various online stores and are valid across Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Surat and other cities for online purchases.

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How to shop a comfortable Single Bed online at Price-Hunt?

Single beds are basically meant for an individual person to sleep comfortably. It can either accomodate one single adult or two small kids on it. You can keep it anywhere in the living room or study room so that it can easily accomodate a single guest in emergency. All of us spend around one-third of our life sleeping on bed. Hence, you should buy a comfortable, good quality and durable bed for your room. You can start your day with freshness if you have had a perfect night sleep of approximately 7-8 hours. Good sleep at night is very important for great physical and mental health. This is only possible with a comfortable bed and mattress. Price-hunt provides you with the latest and updated range of all types of beds ranging from single beds to king-sized beds to queen-sized beds suiting your budget and price range.

The size of two single beds combined together is equivalent to a king sized bed and it will be larger than queen sized bed. An average single bed has measurements of 40 inches width and 75 inches length. Nowadays single beds are also made from metal like wrought iron or stainless steel to give them a modern or contemporary look and they are lighter and cheaper than wooden beds. You should buy a good quality mattress for your bed for a comfort and sound sleep. The size of most commonly used mattress is 90cm x 190 cm. The type of mattress used is categorized into two types- spring mattress and foam mattress. Both of them are based on different mechanisms which includes the type of spring, padding, amount of filling, wadding etc. The thickness of mattress varies from 4 inches to 10 inches. Thicker the mattress, better it will be for your back and will provide more support. The quality of mattress is also determined by the firmness rating. More the firmness rating, it will better support as it will more more filling and wadding.

Before purchasing the single bed, you should measure the room dimensions where it is to be kept and also the stairs or passage dimensions dimensions from where it is to be taken to the room. Average rule of measuring the size of bed is that it should be at least 10-15 cms longer than the height of tallest person sleeping on it. Also while choosing the material of bed, prefer solid and high quality frames for long-lasting and durability of bed. Frames should be made up of metal or wood. Wooden frames are stronger and sturdy and usually made up of teak wood, oak wood, mahagony or pine wood.Nowadays, you can also buy beds online at various online stores and get great discounted deals instead of spending time and effort in each and every furniture store individually. Explore from our vast collection of king sized beds from various popular and credible online retailers like Durian, Godrej Interio, Furniture kraft, Housefull, Nilkamal, Evok, Woodsworth, Hometown etc. Save your time and effort of visiting each furniture store individually and get best deals online and reduce your mental stress.

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