Fundamentals of Laser Dynamics By: Ya I Khanin

Fundamentals of Laser Dynamics By: Ya I Khanin


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< section id="fundamentals-of-laser-dynamics" > < h2 > Fundamentals of Laser Dynamics < p > Explore the fascinating world of laser dynamics with "Fundamentals of Laser Dynamics", a comprehensive guide by Ya I Khanin, published by Viva Books Private Limited. This hardbound book, measuring 153 mm in width and 229 mm in height, is a treasure trove of information for students, researchers, and professionals alike.

< h3 > About the Book < p > Published in English in the year 2015, this 376-page volume ( ISBN-13: 9788130931562 ) delves into the current state of laser dynamics, providing reference data and basic experimental facts for both old and new generation lasers. The most frequently used mathematical models are presented in a clear and concise manner.

< p > Khanin discusses the reasons behind the spontaneous occurrence of pulsation of the radiation intensity in solid-state lasers, and explores the influence of the nonstationary nature of parameters and non-linearity of laser elements on the generation characteristics. Special emphasis is placed on the problems of low-frequency dynamics of multimode lasers.

< h3 > Table of Contents < p > The book is meticulously organized into several sections, including:

< ul > < li > Quantum Oscillators: General considerations < li > Principle of operation and practical implementation < li > Time-dependent processes in quantum oscillators < li > Basic Equations for the Dynamical Behaviour of Lasers < li > Equations for the electromagnetic field < li > Equations for the dynamics of the material < li > Self-consistent semiclassical set of laser equations < li > Single-Mode Lasers < li > Dynamical models of homogeneously broadened lasers < li > Traveling-wave laser with homogeneous active medium < li > Single-mode standing-wave class B laser < li > Instabilities and chaos in a travelling-wave single-mode laser < li > Dynamics of three-level lasers with coherent pumping < li > Effect of inhomogeneous broadening on the laser dynamic characteristic < li > Lowering of the instability threshold < li > Multimode Lasers with Frequency-Nondegenerate Modes < li > Rate equations model with spatial mode competition and its time independence solutions < li > Relaxation oscillations as low-frequency normal laser modes < li > Time-dependent processes < li > Combination tone mode-mode coupling and its influence on laser dynamics < li > Inhomogeneously broadened solid-state lasers < li > Dynamical instability of steady state of a multimode travelling wave laser (Risken-Nummedal-Graham-Haken theory) < li > Multimode Lasers with Quasi-Frequency-Degenerate Modes < li > Two Mode class B laser with a Frabry-Perot resonator < li > Bidirectional class B laser < li > Vector model of a fibre laser < li > Lasers with Time-Dependent Parameters < li > Lasers with periodic parameter modulation < li > Monotonic adiabatic variation of parameters < li > Mechanisms of undamped pulsations in solid-state free-running lasers < li > Lasers with Nonlinear Parameters < li > Laser with an opto-electronic feedback < li > Laser with a nonlinear absorber < li > Laser with a Nonlinear Dielectric < li > Passive mode locking in lasers < li > Processes in a travelling wave laser without bulk losses < li > Giant Pulse Regime (Q-switching) < li > Active Q-switching < li > Giant pulse generation with passive Q-switching < li > Appendix < li > Notations < li > Glossary < li > References < li > Index < p > This comprehensive table of contents ensures that readers can easily navigate through the book to find specific topics of interest.

< h3 > Why Choose "Fundamentals of Laser Dynamics"? < p > < b > Comprehensive Coverage: The book covers a wide range of topics, from basic principles to advanced concepts, making it an ideal resource for anyone interested in laser dynamics.

< p > < b > Clear and Concise Writing Style: Khanin's writing style is engaging and easy to follow, ensuring that complex concepts are understood without sacrificing depth or accuracy.

< p > < b > Practical Application: The book provides practical facts and experimental data that can be directly applied in real-world situations, making it a valuable resource for researchers and professionals alike.

< p > < b > High Quality Production: Published by Viva Books Private Limited, this hardbound book is a joy to handle, with high-quality paper and printing that ensures durability and readability.

< h3 > Who Should Read "Fundamentals of Laser Dynamics"? < p > This book is an essential addition to the library of anyone interested in the dynamics of lasers, including:

< ul > < li > Students pursuing higher education in physics, engineering, or applied mathematics. < li > Researchers working on laser dynamics, nonlinear optics, or related fields. < li > Professionals involved in laser technology, such as engineers designing lasers or scientists studying laser-matter interactions. < p > Whether you're a student eager to learn about the fascinating world of laser dynamics or a professional looking to expand your knowledge and skills, "Fundamentals of Laser Dynamics" is an invaluable resource. Order your copy today!

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