Atorse 6 Litres Mini Fridge /8 Can Small Refrigerator Compact Refrigerator For Office Car White

Atorse 6 Litres Mini Fridge /8 Can Small Refrigerator Compact Refrigerator For Office Car White

Best Price as on 07th Mar, 2025 at 1:21:08 am

₹8,064  at  amazon

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Product Features:

  • 6 litres capacity
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Atorse 6 Litres Mini Fridge /8 Can Small Refrigerator Compact Refrigerator For Office Car White Price in India

Products like Atorse 6 Litres Mini Fridge /8 Can Small Refrigerator Compact Refrigerator For Office Car White

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  • The price of Atorse 6 Litres Mini Fridge /8 Can Small Refrigerator Compact Refrigerator For Office Car White ranges from ₹8,064 to ₹8,064.
  • Atorse 6 Litres Mini Fridge /8 Can Small Refrigerator Compact Refrigerator For Office Car White is available at a best price of ₹8,064 on Amazon.
  • The latest price information for Atorse 6 Litres Mini Fridge /8 Can Small Refrigerator Compact Refrigerator For Office Car White was updated on 1:21:08am 07-03-2025.
  • Prices mentioned above are in INR/Indian Rupees.
  • The prices for refrigerators like Atorse 6 Litres Mini Fridge /8 Can Small Refrigerator Compact Refrigerator For Office Car White are valid across all major cities of India, including: Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Pune, Ahmedabad, Coimbatore, Lucknow, Trichy, Madurai, Trivandrum, Mysore, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Pondicherry, Bhopal, Patna, Bhubaneswar, Amritsar, Cochin, Allahabad, Srinagar, New Delhi, Surat, Ludhiana, Navi Mumbai, Ghaziabad, Bengaluru, Indore, Nagpur, Thane, Agra, Meerut, Ranchi. Please note that delivery feasibility and charges may vary from seller to seller. We recommend checking with the particular seller or store for more information.
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  • The payment options available can vary from seller to seller, but a generally they are Cash on Delivery(COD), Credit Card, Debit Card, NetBanking, EMI(Equated monthly Installments) etc.

Experience Ultimate Convenience with ATORSE Mini Fridge - Your Compact Cooling Companion

The ATORSE Mini Fridge, a 6L/8 Can Small Refrigerator, is not just another compact appliance; it's your perfect partner for keeping your favorite beverages, snacks, and essentials chilled or warmed, wherever you go. This sleek, white miniature marvel is designed with convenience, functionality, and style in mind. Let's delve into its key features and understand why it's an excellent addition to your home, office, or car.

Robust yet Lightweight Construction

The ATORSE Mini Fridge is crafted from durable PP (polypropylene) material, ensuring it's both lightweight and robust. This makes it incredibly portable and perfect for various settings – whether you're commuting in your car, studying in a dorm room, or relaxing at home.

Versatile Temperature Control

The heart of this mini fridge lies in its thermoelectric cooling and warming system. It can efficiently cool down to approximately 15 degrees below the ambient temperature, keeping your drinks, food, or beauty products chilled and fresh. Conversely, it can heat up to between 50 to 60 degrees Celsius when needed, providing warmth for your comfort foods or items that require a gentle heat source.

Compact Size, Big on Space Efficiency

With dimensions suited for compact spaces, the ATORSE Mini Fridge is suitable for use in cars, dormitories, offices, and small apartments. Despite its modest size, it offers ample space to accommodate up to 8 standard drink cans or about 6 liters of storage capacity.

Power on the Go with USB Connectivity

One standout feature of this mini fridge is its USB port, allowing you to charge it conveniently using a car charger, power bank, or other USB-compatible devices. This flexibility ensures that you can enjoy your cooled or warmed items anytime, anywhere – no power outlet required!

Eco-Friendly Operation

Unlike traditional compressors, the thermoelectric cooling system used in this mini fridge operates silently and consumes less energy, making it an eco-friendly choice. Plus, its compact size reduces its overall carbon footprint during manufacturing.

Stylish Design Meets Practicality

The ATORSE Mini Fridge combines simplicity and elegance in its design, making it a visually appealing addition to any space. Its sleek white finish complements various settings, from modern kitchens to compact offices or trendy dorm rooms.

What's Included?

  • 1 x ATORSE Mini Fridge (6L/8 Can)

Experience the perfect blend of functionality and style with the ATORSE Mini Fridge. Order now and enjoy ultimate convenience, wherever you go!

About the brand

Atorse is relatively lesser known brand in the current Indian online market scenario. Products by the brand Atorse are available at stores like amazon. It sells various items under the categories refrigerators, men casual shirts, men shorts, women shorts and skirts, men suits and blazers, women trousers, men trousers, air purifiers, men innerwear and sleepwear.

Specifications for Atorse 6 Litres Mini Fridge /8 Can Small Refrigerator Compact Refrigerator For Office Car White

key features
Material Mini Fridge Is Made Of Pp Material, Which Is Lightweight And Strong.
Function It Can Be Cooled To About 15 Degrees Below Ambient Temperature And Heated To 50 To 60 Degrees, Great For Storing Beauty Products, Drinks, Or Food.
Applicable The 6L Small Refrigerator Is Compact In Size And Lightweight, Making It Suitable For Use In Cars, Dormitories, Or At Home Without Taking Up Too Much Space.
Features The Portable Thermoelectric Cooling Warmer Is Equipped With A USB Port, Which Can Be Charged By Car, Power Bank, And Other Methods. Whether You Are On The Road Or At Home, You Can Use It Conveniently Without Worrying About Power Outages.
Practical Compact Refrigerator Is Not Only A Practical Small Appliance But Also A Good Decoration. It Is Simple And Elegant, Beautiful And Practical.
Package Includes: 1 Mini Compact Refrigerator
NameATORSE Mini Fridge 6L/8 Can Small Refrigerator Compact Refrigerator for Office Car White

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Price Chart for Atorse 6 Litres Mini Fridge /8 Can Small Refrigerator Compact Refrigerator For Office Car White

We have analysed price data for Atorse 6 Litres Mini Fridge /8 Can Small Refrigerator Compact Refrigerator For Office Car White for a period of 89 days. The price chart shows following things:

  • The lowest price has been ₹7,936.
  • The highest price recorded is ₹9,221.
  • The average price is ₹8,192.

Our Recommendation for buying Atorse 6 Litres Mini Fridge /8 Can Small Refrigerator Compact Refrigerator For Office Car White

The best price of Atorse 6 Litres Mini Fridge /8 Can Small Refrigerator Compact Refrigerator For Office Car White has not shown much overall variation over the recorded period. There is no specific trend for the best price over time. Since Atorse 6 Litres Mini Fridge /8 Can Small Refrigerator Compact Refrigerator For Office Car White is at a price more than its best price right now, our recommendation will be to buy it at best price in India of ₹8,064 or if you are very sensitive about price, then wait for sometime for price to reduce or a deal for Atorse 6 Litres Mini Fridge /8 Can Small Refrigerator Compact Refrigerator For Office Car White to come up.

Alternatives to Atorse 6 Litres Mini Fridge /8 Can Small Refrigerator Compact Refrigerator For Office Car White

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